
临沂大学生命科学学院, 山东临沂276005

通信作者:刘林;E-mail: liulinlyu163@163.com;Tel: 0539-8766310

摘 要:

为揭示蔗糖能否引起植物胚轴维管束细胞数量增多, 将拟南芥播种于添加88 mmol•L-1蔗糖和不添加糖的MS培养基上, 对生长在不同培养基上的幼苗胚轴横切, 显微镜下统计切片上维管束细胞数量。结果显示, 与不加糖相比, 加糖条件下 萌发4 d后幼苗维管束细胞总数增加约70%, 维管薄壁细胞和导管分子都增加100%以上, 筛管分子增加约90%, 中柱鞘细胞 数量不变。显然, 蔗糖不仅使维管束薄壁细胞数量增多, 也使筛管分子和导管分子数量增多。因此认为, 添加蔗糖对拟南芥幼 苗胚轴维管束具有双重效应, 既引起维管薄壁细胞增殖, 又促进维管薄壁细胞分化, 从而使导管分子和筛管分子数量增多。

关键词:蔗糖; 拟南芥; 胚轴; 维管束

收稿:2012-08-01   修定:2012-08-22

资助:山东省自然科学基金(ZR2011CL002)和临沂大学科研计 划项目(HX09104)。

Sucrose Induction of Increase in Hypocotyl Vascular Cell Number of Arabidopsis Seedlings

LIU Lin*
College of Life Sciences, Linyi University, Linyi, Shandong 276005, China

Corresponding author: LIU Lin; E-mail: liulinlyu163@163.com; Tel: 0539-8766310


In order to understand whether increased sucrose could stimulate cell proliferation and conducting element differentiation in vasculatures, Arabidopsis seeds were sowed on sucrose-free and sucrose-added media. Cell numbers in vasculatures of cross sections of hypocotyls from seedlings grown on media with and without addition of sucrose were compared by means of microscopy. Compared to those in seedlings grown on the medium without addition of sugar, the total number of hypocotyl vascular cells in seedlings grown on the sucrose-added medium is increased by around 70%, the numbers of parenchyma cells and vessel elements are increased by over 100%, the number of sieve elements increased by about 90%, while the number of pericycle cells remains unchanged. Obviously, sucrose not only induces proliferation of vascular parenchyma cells, but also promotes differentiation of parenchyma cells into sieve and vessel elements. Based on these observations, it is concluded that the increased sucrose have dual functions in hypocotyl vasculatures in young Arabidopsisn seedlings, parenchyma cell proliferation and concomitant cell differentiation that leads to increased numbers of vessel and sieve elements.

Key words: sucrose; Arabidopsis thaliana; hypocotyl; vasculature

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